Top 20 Least Aggressive Dog Breeds
The least aggressive dog breeds have gentle temperaments and can make excellent family pets. Keep in mind that within breeds, each dog has their own personality, so there can be variations. However, these pups have been bred for docile temperaments and tasks that do not require aggression. These breeds range in size from small, toy-sized breeds to gentle giants like the Bernese Mountain Dog.
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Least Aggressive Dog Breeds
These are the least aggressive dog breeds that make gentle friends and companions:
1. King Charles Spaniel
With their wide eyes and calm personalities, King Charles Spaniels are one of the least aggressive dog breeds. These sweet-tempered pups are usually calm, adaptable, and even-tempered, making excellent apartment dogs and companions for anyone seeking a docile dog.
2. Bernese Mountain Dog
Bernese Mountain Dogs are gentle giants with even-tempered personalities. These silk-haired pups are often affectionate and sweet and make great family pets. Bernese Mountain Dogs were bred for working in the mountains of Switzerland, and their patient temperaments have transitioned well into being beloved household pets.
3. Greyhound
The sprinting champions of the dog world also come in at the top of the least aggressive dog breeds list. Greyhounds are intelligent, calm, and sweet-natured dogs that adapt well to city or country living.
4. Golden Retriever
Golden Retrievers are the quintessential family dog. With active, sociable, and fun-loving personalities, these golden-haired beauties are known for their gentle nature. Golden retrievers usually get along with all people and love other dogs, making them a top choice for family pets. They are also highly intelligent and trainable and are often trained for therapy work and as service dogs.
5. Pug
Pugs have big personalities in small packages. These outgoing pups usually have even and stable temperaments and love people. Since they’re bred for companionship, pugs are one of the least aggressive dog breeds. They can be mischievous, loving, and fun, so if you’re looking for a lot of character in a small dog, a pug may be the perfect breed for you.
6. Collie
The majestic collie has a calm and dedicated temperament. These docile dogs are intelligent and generally easy to train. They love children and make loyal family pets. Collies are herding dogs, and they enjoy watching over their families. Although they make excellent watchdogs, they are not known to be aggressive toward people and do not make good guard dogs.
7. Newfoundland
Another gentle giant among the least aggressive dog breeds is the Newfoundland. These large, fluffy pups are sweet-tempered and loving. Their fondness for children has earned them the nickname “nanny dog.” Newfies are trusting, patient, and trainable, making them a great choice if you want a large, non-aggressive breed.
8. Basset Hound
The Basset Hound is a patient, mellow dog with a mild temperament. This distinct long-eared hound dog is a bona fide couch potato but requires regular exercise. These adorable hounds enjoy the company of humans, including children. Although they can be stubborn when it comes to training, basset hounds make up for it with their charming, comical antics and sweet personalities.
9. Bichon Frise
Bred for companionship, these small, fluffy white pups are adaptable and easygoing. The Bichon Frise is a playful, outgoing dog breed that adapts well to city life, making them great apartment dogs. Bichon Frises are charming and happy-go-lucky and enjoy befriending everyone they meet.
10. Poodle
Poodles come in three sizes - standard (medium to large), miniature (small), and toy (smallest). All three varieties have intelligent, gentle personalities. They are highly trainable and adaptable and tend to be friendly with all people, including strangers. Standard poodles are excellent athletes, while the smaller varieties are popular apartment dogs. Poodles are also behind the explosion of “oodle” dogs as family pets, which are half-poodle mixes.
11. Labrador Retriever
Labrador retrievers have been the most popular dog breed in America until recently, when they got ousted by the French Bulldog. Labradors are beloved family pets and companions known for their easygoing, friendly demeanors. These athletic sporting dogs are friendly and outgoing and love the company of humans and other dogs.
12. English Bulldog
English bulldogs are calm, mellow dogs who are friendly and sometimes comical. These lovable pups are docile and adaptable to city and country living. Bulldogs love to take it easy and relax with their favorite humans. They tend to be friendly with everyone they meet and love attention from friends, family, and strangers.
13. Portuguese Water Dog
Portuguese water dogs are intelligent, affectionate, and adventurous companions. As with poodles, they have a hypoallergenic coat. They are eager to please and very trainable, making them a popular choice for therapy dogs.
14. Havanese
Havanese dogs are small, silky-haired pups with sociable and intelligent personalities. These outgoing dogs enjoy human contact and are adaptable to city living. Havanese are cheerful and happy dogs with a flair for comedy.
15. Papillon
Papillons are friendly small dogs who are active, alert, and happy. These little dogs are trainable and adaptable to various climates and living conditions. Papillons are energetic but not nervous and enjoy playing and going outside as much as sitting on laps. These easygoing pups enjoy socializing with cats and other dogs.
16. Whippet
Whippets are one of the least aggressive dog breeds that are medium-sized. With an appearance similar to the greyhound but smaller in size, whippets are elegant and gentle and love curling up on soft beds and furniture. Whippets can adapt to apartment living with regular walks.
17. Vizsla
Vizslas are incredibly athletic, energetic, and gentle dogs. These sporting dogs need plenty of daily activity and make great companions for active, outdoorsy people. Vizslas are docile and loyal companions. Due to their athleticism, Vizslas make excellent running partners and biking companions.
18. Beagle
Beagles are friendly, cheerful hunting dogs that are good with children and other dogs. These happy pups are loyal, easygoing, and lovable and make excellent family pets. Beagles can be curious and even comical and make entertaining companions.
19. Irish Wolfhound
Towering over most other breeds, the Irish Wolfhound is a giant, docile dog breed. Irish Wolfhounds are sweet-tempered, loyal, and calm. As the tallest dog breed, they are intimidating based on looks alone, but their gentle personalities make them excellent companions. Although they like children, Irish wolfhounds may accidentally knock them over due to their giant size.
20. Great Dane
Great Danes are imposing, giant dogs whose gentle disposition belies their appearance. These massive pups are patient and even-tempered and make excellent family dogs. They are friendly dogs and usually enjoy socializing with people and dogs alike.
Choosing a Breed
When choosing a breed, do your research and avoid backyard breeders who breed large amounts of dogs, as they’re more likely to have health problems and temperament issues. Find a pup that fits your lifestyle with the temperament you desire. Many rescue dogs have been temperament tested, and you can browse Petfinder for adoptable rescue dogs in your area.
Check out our 10 Tips to Prepare Before Adopting a Dog to prepare for your new furry family member.
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