15 Big Dogs That Don’t Shed - Breeds with Minimal Shedding
If you have allergies but love large dogs, these pups may be the perfect match for you.

12 Best Dog Breeds for Seniors
The best dog breeds for seniors are easygoing and low-maintenance.

16 Best Dogs for First Time Owners
The best dogs for first time owners are easygoing and friendly, making excellent family pets.

20 Most Obedient Dog Breeds
Whether you want to compete in obedience or other dog sports or just have an easy-to-train dog, these obedient breeds are excellent candidates.

15 Best Dog Breeds for Trail Running
The best dog breeds for trail running are natural athletes that thrive on runs.

10 Best Guard Dogs for Women
The best guard dogs for women offer natural guarding instincts and a protective personality.

10 Best Guard Dogs for Apartments
The best guard dogs for apartments can adjust to living in close proximity to people and other dogs while protecting their family if needed.

25 Best Dog Breeds for Hiking: Top Picks for Trail Partners
The best dog breeds for hiking can weather harsh temperatures and enjoy long hikes in uneven terrain.

20 Best Dog Breeds for City Living
The best dog breeds for city living tend to do well in small spaces and around other people and dogs.

15 Top Calm Dog Breeds Medium Sized Dogs
Whether you want a calm, quiet dog suited to apartment living or a pup to train for therapy work or emotional support, these dog breeds are known for being mellow and even-tempered.

Top 20 Least Aggressive Dog Breeds
These breeds range in size from small, toy-sized breeds to gentle giants like the Bernese Mountain Dog.

10 Different Types of Working Dogs and the Jobs They Do
This guide explains the different types of working dogs and the jobs they do.

15 Best Dog Breeds for Hot Weather
Whether you’re in a desert or a place with hot summers, having a pup who can take the heat can help you enjoy the warmer temps together.

15 Best Dog Breeds for Cold Weather
This list of the best dog breeds for cold weather includes the most cold-resistant pooches.

15 Best Dog Breeds for Apartments
Personality comes into play more than size for how well dogs adjust to apartment living.

Top 10 Best Guard Dog Breeds
Whether you want a guardian to go places with you or a dog to protect your property, these guard dogs will fiercely watch over you and your household.