Dutch Shepherd Dog Breed Information
The Dutch Shepherd dog breed is an intelligent, athletic working dog that often flies under the radar because it’s an uncommon breed.

10 Best Guard Dogs for Women
The best guard dogs for women offer natural guarding instincts and a protective personality.

10 Best Guard Dogs for Apartments
The best guard dogs for apartments can adjust to living in close proximity to people and other dogs while protecting their family if needed.

King Shepherd Dog Breed Information
The King Shepherd dog is a regal, relatively new breed descended from the German Shepherd.

10 Different Types of Working Dogs and the Jobs They Do
This guide explains the different types of working dogs and the jobs they do.

Belgian Malinois Dog Breed Information
The Belgian Malinois dog breed is a super athlete, excelling as working dogs used for herding, and in the military and police force.

Rhodesian Ridgeback Dog Breed Information
The Rhodesian Ridgeback dog hails from South Africa, where they were used for hunting lions and protecting their humans.

Dancing Doberman Fitness Video Is Workout Goals
This dancing Doberman fitness video is #WorkoutGoals.

Doberman Pinscher Dog Breed Information
Dobermans are large, athletic dogs that love to stay active and be close to their humans.

Rottweiler Dog Breed Information
If you want a confident, loyal working dog, the Rottie may be the perfect pup for you.

Akita Dog Breed Information
Akitas are fiercely loyal, intelligent, and courageous and make excellent guard dogs and companions.

German Shepherd Dog Breed Information
German Shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds, consistently ranking in the top five most popular breeds.

Top 10 Best Guard Dog Breeds
Whether you want a guardian to go places with you or a dog to protect your property, these guard dogs will fiercely watch over you and your household.